How do I schedule a live stream event on YouTube and connect it with Switchboard?
At this present time, we do not have support for streaming directly to YouTube scheduled events.
However, in a few minutes, you can manually create and connect a YouTube live stream scheduled event and connect it with your Switchboard Account.
The steps below are for a "One-Time" YouTube scheduled event.
Part 1: Create the Scheduled YouTube Event
Part 2: Add the YouTube Event as a Custom RTMP destination
Let's get started!
Log into YouTube Studio and open the YouTube Control Room.
Or press the icon below for a direct link:
Step 1
Create the event inside of Youtube Control Room.
Choose manage from the menu top left.
Step 2
Press the blue Schedule Stream button located in the top right.
Step 3
Press Create New button.
Step 4
Fill out the information: stream title, visibility, description, tags, date, and time.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Stream title and descriptions created in Switchboard will not push to custom RTMP destinations; including YouTube Scheduled events. |
Upload a thumbnail and decide the audience.
Press the blue Create Stream button.
Step 5
The newly created scheduled stream will be listed on the YouTube Live Control Room Manage Page. You will need to grab the Stream URL and Stream Key to add to your Switchboard Account.
Step 6
Click on the link or thumbnail to open the scheduled stream.
Step 7
We recommend that you create a new stream key for the scheduled event.
Doing this will ensure that your live stream video will post to the specific event.
Press the down arrow.
Step 8
Select Create new stream key.
Step 9
Rename the stream key so that you can easily identify it for later use.
We recommend the name and date of the event. Press “create”
Next, you will add the scheduled YouTube event into your Switchboard Account as a custom RTMP destination.
Step 1
Open a new tab in your web browser and log into your Switchboard Account.
Press the Add destination button. Choose New Destination.
Step 2
Select Custom RTMP from the list.
Step 3
Copy and paste the YouTube Stream URL and Stream Key into the appropriate fields of the Custom RTMP menu.
Press "Next" to add the destination to your destination group.
Step 4
Rename the Custom RTMP to easily identify later.
Press the blue INFO button.
Step 5
Give it a new name such as the event title and date.
You will need to have the YouTube Control room and Switchboard open on the date of the event.
- Turn on your Encoder.
- Check the Switchboard Confidence monitor for video.
- Press the green go live button next to your destination.
- Press the blue GO LIVE button in the YouTube control room when the video displays on the YouTube preview monitor.
Important Information and Tips
About the YouTube Auto-Start toggle.
If you enable the YouTube Auto-Start button for your YouTube event, the video will start streaming when it receives the video from your Switchboard Account. Thus, eliminating the extra step of pressing the Go Live button inside of YouTube Control room.