How do I create a Facebook event and Go Live using Switchboard?
This article will cover the steps from start to finish on how to create a new Facebook Live Event, add it to your Switchboard destination group, and finally, how to Go Live to the event.
There are three parts.
2. Add the Facebook Event as a Custom RTMP destination.
Let's get started!
Log into your Facebook account.
On the Facebook left-hand menu, press the down arrow to open more options.
Scroll down until you see the Events icon.
Press the Events Icon.
Create a Facebook Event.
Step 1
Step 2
Set the location to online.
- If the event has already been created simply click edit and change the location from a Physical location to an Online event.
- Please note, you will be presented with different options depending on the type of event that you're creating. Pages, have public visibility, whereas profiles will allow you to create a private event.
Step 3
Fill out the event details. Press the blue Next button.
Step 4
The next screen will give more options.
Choose “Facebook Live”, press Next.
Step 5
Provide a description for the event, Press Next.
Step 6
Upload a cover photo.
Adjust any additional settings. Press Save.
Finally, press Create Event.
Step 7
You will see the button “Set Up Live video" once the event is created
Click on the Setup Live Video button.
Step 8
The Facebook Live producer page will open.
Choose "Use Stream key".
Enable the Use Persistent Stream Key toggle.
Add the Facebook Event to your Switchboard account as a Custom RTMP destination.
Next, you will go back and forth between Switchboard and Facebook as you copy and paste the streaming information from Facebook into the designated Custom RTMP destination fields.
Step 9
Open up a new tab in the web browser and log into Switchboard.
Press the Add Destination button. Select New Destination.
Step 10
Select RTMP from the list.
Step 11
Return to the Facebook browser tab, copy the Server URL / Stream Key and paste it into the appropriate Custom RTMP fields. Press Next when complete.
Step 12
Next, rename the Custom RTMP destination to match the Facebook Event title.
Press the Info Button.
Step 13
Type the new name in the field. Press OK.
Step 14
Now the Custom RTMP is easy to identify in the destination group.
Congratulations! You have successfully created a Facebook Event and you've added it to your Switchboard Account.
Ready to Go Live!
Big Tip: Give yourself enough time before the event so that you can be ready to go live at the scheduled time.
Important First Step: Open and navigate to the Facebook Event.
Step 2
Open a new browser tab in your web browser and log into your Switchboard Account.
Step 3
Start sending video from your encoder into your Switchboard Account.
Verify that the video is displaying on the Switchboard confidence monitor.
Step 4
Press the green Go Live button next to the scheduled event located in the destination group.
Step 5
Video will begin to display in the Facebook Live producer preview window.
Press Go Live in Facebook Producer.
Hooray! Your Event has started!
Check out these references below
Add Facebook Destination as a Custom RTMP
Connecting to Facebook with Switchboard Cloud
Add a Custom RTMP destination to your Switchboard Account