This support article provides step-by-step instructions for re-authorizing a destination on a Switchboard workflow.
Please note- You will not be able to authorize shared destinations; the sharer can re-authorize their destinations. The steps below apply to destinations added to the Switchboard account using the standard add new destination process.
Step 1
Navigate to the desired destination group.
Press the blue info button next to the destination.
Step 2
A new window will open.
On the left side, select Authorization.
Step 3
Press the Authorize button at the bottom of the window.
Step 4
A new browser tab will open, prompting you to begin the authorization process.
Press the Authorize button to begin the process. Every destination is slightly different; just look for a button labeled "authorize."
Step 5
After completing the authorization, close the window by pressing the x button at the top right.
Great Job you did it!
Did you know you can check the authorization for a whole destination group at once?
You can learn how by clicking on the reference here.